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Tales from a River


3-channel video installation, in colour, with audio, 4:55 Min.

The 3-channel video installation Tales from a River, gives voice to a river that has seen many changes, from colonization to the exploitation of nature.

I developed this work during an artist residency in Chicoutimi, Québec/Canada, invited by the artist collective AMV (Art / Materialité / Visibilité), while I was researching on the local history that is closely tied to colonization, the Royaume du Saguernay and the genocide on the indigenous population.
The work seeks to find a form and voice to talk about the probably largest crime in the history of this planet with a mass-killing of a local population in North- and Southamerica (that only 10% of the original population survived) and their still ongoing many-fold discrimination and suppression.


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exhibition view of solo show at the gallery l’Œuvre de l’Autre, Tales from a River, 2024
